

Sebastian is a rebellious loner who lives in his parents’ basement. He is Maru’s older half-brother, and feels like his sister gets all the attention and adoration, while he is left to rot in the dark. He tends to get deeply absorbed in his work, computer games, comic books, sci-fi novels, and will sometimes spend great lengths of time pursuing these hobbies alone in his room. He can be a bit unfriendly to people he doesn’t know. Could a charming new farmer cultivate the wasteland of his heart? Who knows? — DevUpdate#12

about this emo motherfucker

Sebastian is a character from the game Stardew Valley (I'm absolutly OBSESSED with this fucking game I'm being fucking serius), his family consist of Robin (his mom, and also my mother-in-law in my save ), Demetrius (step-father), and Maru (step-sister). Also his friends are Sam (love him) and Abigail (debatable tho... )


He's a computer boy, he works coding, he likes sci-fi novels, playing music, smoking (he also had a fucking BONG on his room if you married him in the first two weeks of the release of the game, confirmed stoner), playing Solarion Chronicles (a sort of D&D game), and frogs. He NEVER leaves his room (honestly, mood), he just leaves it to go to the kitchen for like an hour and go smoke by he river, and on saturdays goes to Sam's. He also rides a motocycle (I'm sorry but that's so fucking hot)